Samaritans – Welsh Language Line

11:00 PM–3:00 AM - All 7 Days






Samaritans – Welsh Language Line: We’re Here to Listen

If you need to talk, we’re here to listen. We know how important it is to get support in your first language, and our volunteers are here to help. Our Welsh-speaking volunteers offer free, confidential emotional support every day from 7pm to 11pm.

Os oes arnoch angen siarad rydyn ni yma i wrando. Gwyddom pa mor bwysig yw hi i gael cymorth yn eich iaith gyntaf ac mae ein gwirfoddolwyr yma i’ch cynorthwyo. Mae ein gwirfoddolwyr Cymraeg yma i gynnig cymorth emosiynol cyfrinachol di-dâl pob dydd 7pm – 11pm.

Where is Samaritans – Welsh Language Line available?
Across the United Kingdom

Who does Samaritans – Welsh Language Line support?
Everyone, on all topics

What languages does Samaritans – Welsh Language Line support?
English and Welsh

What can I talk to Samaritans – Welsh Language Line about?
Anything related to your mental health.